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Lauren Kornick

October 21, 2024

Almost 2 years ago, Causeway Solutions shared insights on social media and streaming habits of consumers based on our monthly surveys of consumers to examine demographic similarities between streaming and social media audiences. Now, we’ve come back to see if the arena has changed. ... READ MORE

Thérèse Mulvey

October 14, 2024

While many marketers have their holiday campaigns in place, most digital advertising plans can be adjusted depending on consumer response. In our just-completed September 2024 survey we paid special attention to consumers’ outlook and shopping habits. ... READ MORE

Tim Duer

October 7, 2024

After months of uncertainty, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on August 22, 2024, that it would withdraw its appeal of a decision deeming the HHS restrictions for using third-party tracking technologies as a violation of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines. So, does this mean marketing teams can now freely embrace consumer tracking and messaging? Not so fast ... READ MORE

Latest in Health Care

Tim Duer

October 7, 2024

After months of uncertainty, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on August 22, 2024, that it would withdraw its appeal of a decision deeming the HHS restrictions for using third-party tracking technologies as a violation of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines. So, does this mean marketing teams can now freely embrace consumer tracking and messaging? Not so fast ... READ MORE

Causeway Solutions

February 5, 2024

In honor of Heart Health Month, here’s how we can help you with heartfelt marketing messages. Causeway Solutions’ Healthcare Advanced Audiences identifies 22% of U.S. Adults aged 18+ who are most likely to visit a cardiologist this year, totaling 52,934,498 individuals. Built from predictive modeling, Advanced Audiences go well beyond demographics, with the ability to drill down to counties, key demographics, lifestyles and behaviors – all while maintaining HIPAA compliance. ... READ MORE

Causeway Solutions

June 26, 2023

A large healthcare provider creating its own Payer/Provider Insurance Plan announced it was going to stop accepting patients on a rival provider’s insurance plan as in-network patients. The state’s Attorney General and Legislature attempted to block this move over concerns that vulnerable citizens would be left without access to healthcare as a result. ... READ MORE

Latest in Political

Hailey Russell

April 1, 2022

If you have been paying attention to the news lately, you have probably heard mentions of President Biden’s approval rating dropping to the lowest it has been since he took office. Where did Biden take the biggest hit? Who has Biden lost? Check out the answers and some model analysis from our senior analyst Hailey Russell! ... READ MORE

John McClelland

July 20, 2021

At Causeway Solutions, we serve as your GPS and develop a Path to Victory which takes the guessing out of the process ... READ MORE

Chris McNulty

April 13, 2021

Data alone doesn’t equal success. To win, every bit of a campaign must work together. Causeway Solutions analyzes and applies data strategically to make campaigns more efficient and more effective ... READ MORE

Latest in Analytics

Thérèse Mulvey

September 23, 2024

From turn-to-turn navigation apps and social media platforms to personalizing services, geolocation technology has become an everyday tool for marketers and businesses. Causeway Solutions partners with industry trailblazers to offer geolocation insights to our clients. Using these advanced innovations, we deliver remarkable visibility into consumer geolocation analysis ... READ MORE

Causeway Solutions

June 10, 2024

Jennifer Yoo recently joined Causeway Solutions as our Manager of Data Insights. Jennifer brings a wealth of knowledge in analyzing and interpreting absentee and early vote data and leveraging polling and modeling data in key congressional races. In our latest Causeway Cribs, check out Jennifer’s hometown. ... READ MORE

Causeway Solutions

April 15, 2024

Nick Schroeter recently joined Causeway Solutions as a Marketing Analyst a few months ago. Nick works with our digital analytics and media department to build out new solutions and services for our clients. In our latest Causeway Cribs, check out Nick’s hometown. ... READ MORE