Connect With Causeway, Causeway Cribs: Lauren Kornick

Causeway Solutions

CausewaySolutions, ConnectWithCauseway, Analytics

November 11, 2021

Causeway Cribs: Lauren Kornick

Where is your Causeway Solutions home office located? How long have you been there?
I work in Metairie, Louisiana, and I was formerly the closest to Causeway Solutions Global HQ until moving slightly further away back in the middle of 2020.

What is unique about your home or location compared to the homes of the rest of the company?
Our neighborhood is pretty interesting. Within walking distance, we have a small deli, a candy store, a church, a playground, and more, and in walking around in the morning you get to see all kinds of interesting people and houses. And with mixes and matches of houses that have been in the neighborhood for decades with houses newly built with neighbors all in between, it’s an interesting spot right out of Old Metairie.

What is your favorite thing about your home or location?
As cheesy as it sounds, my favorite thing about my home is the fact I get to live with my sister. While others have either spouses or partners or roommates or live on their own, I get to live with my best friend and partner in life as we try to figure out the complications of a homeowner living together.

Location Analysis

Hearing about Lauren’s neighborhood and her excitement in owning a home, we decided to again dig into some data about housing in her area.

  • In her neighborhood specifically, only 46% of the units are actually occupied by their owners, while 38% are renter-occupied, the only “predominant owner-occupied” section that isn’t majority owner-occupied in the whole area,
  • The areas around her, meanwhile, are either majority owner-occupied or majority renter-occupied areas.
  • This dynamic is also reflected in the median ages of the areas, with the majority “owner” areas above Lauren ranging in median ages of 44-50, the majority “renter” areas below Lauren averaging at about 41, and Lauren’s area somewhere in the middle within 39-44. Lauren and her sister seem to be outliers!


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