Connect With Causeway: Bill Skelly

Causeway Solutions

Marketing, Outreach, CausewaySolutions, ConnectWithCauseway

March 12, 2021


How long have you worked at Causeway?
Since Day 1! June of 2013…

What would you say you do here?
Sometimes I run the place… sometimes I’m an intern.

What is your most memorable experience at Causeway?
The day someone tweeted to us and asked if we could install bathrooms at the turn around locations on the Causeway Bridge in Louisiana.

Do you have a spouse? Children? Pets? Plants?

Where did you grow up?
Southern New Jersey … DC … but I made my family and my company in Louisiana so that’s home now.

Where do you live and what is one thing you love about it?
Louisiana – I love the food and the culture.

What do you like to do when you are not working?
I don’t understand the question.

Did you take up any quarantine hobbies, and, if so, did you stick with them?
I bought a peloton. Does that count?

Where is the next place you plan to travel for fun?
Sea Island Georgia!

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