Connect With Causeway: Molly Rutledge

Causeway Solutions

Marketing, Outreach, CausewaySolutions, ConnectWithCauseway

March 18, 2021


How long have you worked at Causeway?
It will be 6 years in May.

What would you say you do here?
I play with data.

What is your most memorable experience at Causeway?
The travel. Getting to discover (and love) a bunch of places I would not have visited otherwise has tremendously enhanced my life and my Causeway experience.

Do you have a spouse? Children? Pets? Plants?

Where did you grow up?
Mobile, Alabama.

Where do you live and what is one thing you love about it?
I live in New Orleans, and I have loved the food here for my entire life (I grew up coming here to eat), but this year in particular I love the short winters.

What do you like to do when you are not working?
Pre-COVID, I liked traveling and eating. Now I guess I enjoy a nice walk around the neighborhood and a good book.

Did you take up any quarantine hobbies, and, if so, did you stick with them?
I tried to take up knitting because it’s supposed to be a good way to reduce anxiety, but I haven’t touched my blanket in months. Perhaps I should revisit.

Where is the next place you plan to travel for fun?
Cashiers, NC. And then post-COVID: EVERYWHERE.

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