Healing Healthcare: Part 1 - Healthcare History

Tim Duer

Data, Healthcare

May 11, 2021

Healing Healthcare: Part 1 - Healthcare History

Causeway Solutions is excited to introduce a new series from our Healthcare team titled “Healing Healthcare.”

Over the next few months, we will be releasing a 5-part series that discusses the recent past, current state and future expectations for the healthcare industry, all with an eye towards the impact of data and analytics. Each article in this series will focus on an area or time period of modern healthcare delivery and managed care, but also include key components of what Causeway Solutions does best—talk data. There will be a recurring section throughout the series titled “Getting more value from the numbers: The role of research, data and analytics” where we will specifically discuss the impact that data analytics has played or will potentially play.

Highlights of what to expect from the series:

1) Healthcare history: How has modern healthcare delivery and managed care structure come to be? With all of the talk regarding a need for restructuring, it is important to consider what has contributed to the current state.

2) The Changing Landscape of Managed Care: We will focus on the glacially slow movement from fee-for-service to value-based care. While the value in care delivery has always been of concern, it has become a very key component of all change discussions over the past two decades. Why is it a consistent aspect of any reform discussion and how will data play a key role?

3) 2020: The COVID Impact: We will discuss the impacts that COVID-19 has had on the hospital industry’s delivery model and operations as a whole. While some of these impacts are obviously clinical and specific to infection control, the focus will be on the financial and operational impacts of the year that was.

4) What is Next? Understand how the nation and the healthcare industry emerge from the shadow cast by the COVID-19 epidemic. What changes should be anticipated and how will they impact delivery, revenue, outcomes and expectations. Health systems are being challenged to re-assess their operational models; what are the attributes that are most likely to lead to successful advancement?

5) Data and Healthcare: Discover the importance of Causeway Solutions’ operations: providing good data, actionable analysis and winning outcomes. How can data drive more efficient and effective healthcare operations? The focus will be on the potential improvement in strategy, marketing and operational decision making for organizations. While the data opportunities are becoming endless, it is important to remain focused on optimizing how this information can benefit an organization.

We hope that you will enjoy the wild and crazy ride through the recent past in healthcare operations and come to recognize the growing role and incredible future that data analytics plays in this space. We also would love to hear any feedback or questions.

Ready to learn more? Contact Causeway Solutions to get started!